Website Social Bookmark

Disini Ada Beberapa Situs Social Bookmark yang populer dan sering digunakan para blogger.. situs-situs bookmark ini sangat membantu para blogger untuk memperkenalkan artikel-artikel yang ada di blognya..
disini saya akan share beberapa situs social Bookmark yang saya maksud..
semoga dengan situs social bookmark ini teman-teman sesama blogger semakin enjoy
dalam berblogger ria..

1. Twitter
2. Digg
3. Stumbleupon
4. Reddit
5. Pinterest
6. Buzzfeed
7. Delicious
8. tweetmeme
9. Fark
10. Slashdot
11. Friendfeed
12. Newsvine
13. Diigo
14. Dzone
15. Chime

Which way as to optimize Adsense Results

Thanks to Adsense, Blog, RSS feeds and the like, we can easily earn additional income without having to spend money and with minimal effort. The trick now is how to optimize revenue from Adsense itself.

PLEASE NOTE : Although it comes from Google Adsense, but there are many other programs that are available the same type, with the ability to succeed are the same - some may be better -. The information here applies in general to them all.

While everyone else is busy optimizing search engine, or better known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization), to optimize Adsense alone, a site can attract quite a lot of traffic and of course the possibility of visitors to click on ads is also larger, and because Adsense is a Pay Per Clicks program, jg profits will increase.

However, always keep in mind that any Adsense agreement does not condone any form of click fraud, even just to write "click here to support this site" could be at risk are removed from the Adsense program is concerned. This is of course to protect Adword customers who have paid to display ads. It is they who robbed (not Google) when an ad is clicked irresponsibly. Moreover, Google, for example, can learn effectively every click that is genuine and is not responsible.

With that in mind, and understand how an Adsense program works, we can optimize a page, legally, to get enough income. The following instructions are made to focus on Adsense, but many can also be used as a strategy to increase the income of a site in general.

The first step is to design a site with topics related to things that are frequently searched (Top Seach). There are various tools (Keyword Suggestion Tool, Zeitgeist, for example) that can help us to get this information. Of course, there are other marketing strategies, for example, looking for a small group of topics that have a page-per-clicks with a little competition. In this case, there should ideally look for topics with a large market, but the ratio of the small yard. But unfortunately, after more than one year, the market will be filled with the topic, and look for another subject with a large number of markets and the ratio of small pages will be very difficult and time consuming, not hours or days, but weeks and even months.

Highest paying keywords (HPK)
A list of keywords that are paid (High Paying Keywords) high can be easily found on the internet. Course combines topics that are sought after by high paid keywords can result in a strange mixture. For example, the top search today is Britney Spear, whereas the highest HPK currently associated with 'mesothelioma' and 'asbestor cancer'. So, in addition to talking about if Britney Spear meothelioma, very little chance they can be coupled together with the legal. But we can incorporate other things that make more sense. The point is only by combining these two items alone (HPK & Top Search), we can get enough traffic to get a LEGAL income from adsense.

Do not be too much to put adsense, let alone a dominant place in our pages. It is best to put a banner above, under the title, and a "skycrapper" at one side, with the contents of the middle.

One page contains 2 or 3 ads, but ads can be placed more heavily on additional pages on our site, for example on our "about us", testimonials, contact, etc..

It is ironic that there are many sellers who make splash pages long, and certainly without adsense than by creating additional pages separately. By doing this, they are sacrificing revenue from adsense because it is very rare splash pages indexed by search engines and visitors sometimes get annoyed, as represented others who are interested in him, just because of its existence. Understand this: adsense is a way to get to from the OUT traffic, something that definitely will happen, no matter how good a page.

Some people choose to make adsense halamanya blend with the design, sometimes almost hidden at all. But this reduces its effectiveness, the hilite to it, visitors are more aware of adsense. Obviously we would prefer visitors to stay on our site, purchase products, etc., but the fact is, many do not. Are not we better take advantage of their absence this?

This feature is only present in some of the adsense program. If available, place it at the bottom of the page we offer visitors an easy way to do a search without having to go to the search engines. Obviously a lot of search engines and browser toolbar that offers that reduce the effectiveness of this adsearch. But provide another means to make a profitable exit of us, and seen as a service for those of us too, of course.

Some adsense program provides options to block competitors' ads. However, it is impossible to block all competitors, so why not take advantage of their advertising? Remember, they pay us.

Colom Tab View dalam Blogspot

Apa Apa yang di Maksud dengan Tab View... dan Apa Kegunaanya..?
mungkin beginilah pertanyaan sebagain orang yang baru belajar membuat blog..
baik lah.. langsung aja ya.. soalnya saya juga masih belajar kok.. jadi agak bingung juga neh mau bicara panjang lebar.. yang pastinya ilmu ini saya dapat karena saya sering baca-baca dan langsung mempraktekkan apa yang saya baca.. dan ternyata hasilnya sangat berhasil.. saya senang jadinya.. karena selain mempercantik blog.. tab view ini sangat banyak kegunaanya.. seperti meringankan pergerakan pada blog dan juga mengirit ruangan halaman pada blog. buktikan ya...
nah.. sekarang akan saya terangkan cara-caranya..

Berikut ini cara-caranya :

Pertama-tama Login ke Blog anda, lalu pilih design kemudian edit HTML.
sebelum kita mengedit HTML blog terlebih dahulu download template anda untuk mencegah terjadinya kesalahan.. dan jika anda tidak berhasil membuat Tab view.. anda bisa mengembalikan template anda seperti semula dengan cara mengupload template yang tadi anda download..
ok.. mungkin sudah jelas keterangan saya sebelum kita memulai mengotak atik HTML blognya..

Setelah anda masuk ke halaman Edit HTML.. jangan lupa beri tanda centang pada sebalah kanan atas kotak halaman HTML..
Pada Kotak HTML anda cari Code: ]]></b:skin>
untuk mempermudah pencarian code tersebut anda gunakan Ctrl+f pada keyboard anda..
setelah berhasil menemukan code : ]]></b:skin>
Lalu Copy Code Berikut ini dan Pastekan diatas Code diatas.

/* tab model 2 */
div.Tabateonsoft div.TFs
{height: 30px; overflow: hidden;}
div.Tabateonsoft div.TFs a
{float: left; display: block; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; font: normal 12px arial; padding:3px 5px 3px 3px; margin:0 5px 0 0;letter-spacing:-0.07em;
color: #333;
border-top:1px solid #CCCCCC;
border-right:1px solid #999999;
border-bottom:1px solid #999999;
border-left:1px solid #cccccc;
-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 10px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 10px;
div.Tabateonsoft div.TFs a:hover
{ background: #E8E8E8;
border-top:1px solid #999999;
border-right:1px solid #cccccc;
border-bottom:1px solid #cccccc;
border-left:1px solid #999999;}
div.Tabateonsoft div.TFs a.Active
{ background: #E8E8E8;
color: #000000;
border-top:1px solid #999999;
border-right:1px solid #cccccc;
border-bottom:1px solid #cccccc;
border-left:1px solid #999999; font-weight:bold;}
div.Tabateonsoft div.Pages
{ clear: both; overflow: hidden; height:240px; border:1px solid #EFF0F1; padding:0;background: #ffffff; -moz-border-radius:5px;}
div.Tabateonsoft div.Pages div.Page
{height: 100%;padding: 0px; overflow: hidden; }
div.Tabateonsoft div.Pages div.Page div.floor
{ font-size:11px;padding: 3px 5px; text-align:left;} 

Kemudian, Cari Code berikut : <head> dan letakkan Code dibawah ini tepat dibawah <head>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

Kemudian Save.

Langkah Terakhir..
setelah anda Save.. anda masuk ke halaman Design >> Page Elements
Pilih Menu HTML/Javascript
Lalu Copy Code Berikut ini Kedalam Halaman HTML/Javascript :

<form action="tabateonsoft.html" method="get">
<div class="Tabateonsoft" id="Tabateonsoft">
<div class="TFs">
<div class="Pages">
<div class="Page"><!-- Tab -->
<div class="floor">
Disini letakkan kode untuk tab 1 anda
</div><!-- end Tab -->
<div class="Page"><!-- Tab -->
Disini letakkan kode untuk tab 2 anda
</div><!-- end Tab -->
<div class="Page"><!-- Tab -->
<div class="floor">
Disini letakkan kode untuk tab 3 anda
</div><!-- end Tab -->
<div class="Page"><!-- Tab -->
<div class="floor">
Disini letakkan kode untuk tab 4 anda
</div><!-- end Tab -->
<script type="text/javascript">tabateonsoft_name('Tabateonsoft');</script>

Well Done Deh .. Enter your stay and your Link View results ..
Good Luck ya .. CaaaH YoOOo ...! :)
Mungkin ada sebagian Bblogger yang belum mengerti apa yang dimaksud dengan Page Number atau tombol navigator.

Nah disini saya akan jelaskan apa itu page number atau tombol navigator dan bagai mana cara kerjanya di dalam blog dan cara pembuatanya.

Baiklah.. pertama-tama yang dimaksud dengan page number atau tombol navigator adalah
Dimna nomor urut semua postingan yang ada di dalam blog anda akan muncul dibagian bawah postingan anda. Fungsinya memudahkan pengunjung menjelajahi blog kita, selain mempermanis tampilan blog. Berikut cara membuat tombol navigasi bernomor di blogspot atau blogger.

  • Masuk dahulu ke Dashboard blogspot Anda, selanjutnya pilih Rancangan (Layout) dan pilih Edit HTML, seperti biasa contreng option Expand Widget Templates, selanjutnya cari kode berikut: ]]></b:skin>;
  • Setelah ketemu, di atas kode letakkan kode di bawah ini : ]]></b:skin>;
.showpageArea a {
.showpageNum a {
border: 1px solid #cccccc;
margin:0 3px;
.showpageNum a:hover {
border: 1px solid #cccccc;
.showpagePoint {
border: 1px solid #cccccc;
background: #cccccc;
margin:0 3px;
.showpageOf {
margin: 0 3px 0 0;
.showpage a {
border: 1px solid #cccccc;
.showpage a:hover {
.showpageNum a:link,.showpage a:link {

  • Lalu cari lagi kode seperti ini: </body>;
  • Jika sudah ketemu, di atas kode </body> letakkan script di bawah ini:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var pageCount=5;
var displayPageNum=5;
var upPageWord =&#39;Previous&#39;;
var downPageWord =&#39;Next&#39;;
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

  •  Selanjutnya carilah kode berikut ini : 'data:label.url';
  • Hapus kode ini : 'data:label.url' dan gantilah dengan kode di bawah ini:
'data:label.url + &quot;?&amp;max-results=5&quot;'
  • Terakhir Simpan Templates dan lihat hasilnya.
Good Luck...
Anda Pasti tau Apa itu Print..
jika anda tidak tau.. baiklah saya akan beri tau..
print adalah suatu alat pencetak tulisan maupun gambar..
nah.. disini saya akan bahas sedikit tentang fasilitas print yang akan kita pasang di postingan.
untuk memasang alat fasilitas print di setiap postingan anda.. anda cukup memasang script berikut ini di akhir setiap postingan anda..

<a href="javascript:print(document)"><img src="" alt="print this page" border="0"/>&#160;Print this page</a>

Nah setelah anda memasangkan code diatas disetiap akhir postingan anda maka fasilitas print akan muncul di setiap akhir postingan anda.

Hasilnya akan menjadi seperti ini :

Hopefully with the existence of the print facility on your blog, you blog the more crowded the visitors ..
Apa Itu Menu Dropdown?
Mungkin masih ada Para "Blogger" yang belum mengerti apa itu "Menu Dropdown".
Baiklah, disini sedikit akan saya terangkan apa itu Menu Dropdown dan bagai mana cara pemasangannya.
Menu Dropdown adalah menu yang berisi sekumpulan teks atau link yang disingkat menjadi sebuah menu tunggal.
Dibawah ini Sebagai Contohnya:

Lalu Bagai Mana caara Membuatnya...?
Ok.. Kita lanjutkan..
Sekarang anda Login ke blog anda lalu klik =>Menu Design kemudian klik =>Page Elements trus klik =>Add Gadget =>HTML/Javascript
lalu masukkan Code Dibawah ini :

<select onChange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].
<option value="" selected>Blogroll</option>
<option value="">Nama Link</option>

<option value="">Nama Link</option>

<option value="">Nama Link</option>


Jika Anda Ingin Menambah link baru kedalam menu dropdown.
anda tinggal menambahkan Code berikut ini

<option value="">Nama Link</option> diatas </select>

 Change the color pink blog address with your blog address
Replace the red link address to your link and rename the link to your Link Name
and so on.
You can include links to your blog to your heart's content.

After the Finish .. press =>Save

Mengganti ID Data Post Pada Blogspot

Mungkin Rekan Blog Agak bingung maksudnya tentang Nama Data Post.
ok.. terlebih dahulu saya akan jelasin.
nah.. yang saya maksudkan dengan mengubah nama data post adalah mengubah nama admin yang mempostingkan kehalaman blog.
untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan di akhir postingan anda. akan ada data postingan yang tertera disana seperti nama yang sudah anda muat saat membuat blog.

Posted on Jumat, 29 April 2011 Posted by Mr.Betrayers

Nah,, jika anda sudah ketemu.. mari kita mulai bagai mana cara mengubah nama yang tertera disana.

Masuk Pada Dasbor Blog >> Rancangan >> Edit HTML >> centang expand widget template
Kedua, Cari kode <>
Setelah Ketemu Kemudian gantikan kode Tersebut dengan Nama baru yang Anda Inginkan.

Then Save and View the result ..
Good luck
Now I will discuss Little About Related Post and the like where to put it on the blog .. we first must understand what is meant by Related Post and what the benefits to the blog ..?
Ok .. I will answer ..
The definition of related Post-post Postings that are present in your blog .. or often referred to related posts .. . usefulness is .. By installing this related post widget .. the reader who comes to your blog is not already-difficult to find a way to flick through the titles of your posts .. after the related posts widget is installed automatically the titles of your other posts will appear just below each of the articles you post ..

Well that much I might have enough of an explanation ..
The first step .. as usual we will edit the HTML template.
who Surely you must first Log Blog "is sure .. :)"
select select Design ===> Edit HTML
as usual do not forget to Check the Expand Widget Templates

Find Code: </head>
After the meet, put this script under the following Code: </head>

<style> #related-posts { float : left; width : 540px; margin-top:20px; margin-left : 5px; margin-bottom:20px; font : 11px Verdana; margin-bottom:10px; } #related-posts .widget { list-style-type : none; margin : 5px 0 5px 0; padding : 0; } #related-posts .widget h2, #related-posts h2 { font-size : 20px; font-weight : normal; margin : 5px 7px 0; padding : 0 0 5px; } #related-posts a { text-decoration : none; } #related-posts a:hover { text-decoration : none; } #related-posts ul { border : medium none; margin : 10px; padding : 0; } #related-posts ul li { display : block; background : url("") no-repeat 0 0; margin : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-bottom : 1px; padding-left : 21px; margin-bottom : 5px; line-height : 2em; border-bottom:1px dotted #cccccc; } </style> <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

Then, find the Code <data:post.body/> or <div class='post-body> or <data:post.body/>
Then paste the following code below :
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div id="related-posts">
<font face='Arial' size='3'><b>Related Posts : </b></font><font color='#FFFFFF'><b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'><><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'>,</b:if><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<script expr:src='&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/&quot; + + &quot;?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=related_results_labels&amp;max-results=5&quot;' type='text/javascript'/></b:if></b:loop> </font>
<script type='text/javascript'> removeRelatedDuplicates(); printRelatedLabels();

Once finished you sure ... Then SAVE.
View results and Now ... :)
Google Panda Algorithm 2.5 is difficult to be analyzed concretely. Because it is so complex and constantly changing smoothly with no one else knows. Has an estimated 200 signals google search engine ranking algorithms. Understandably this is Google's kitchen secrets search engine giant. Here are tips on SEO for Google now approaching what might be expected for a better site ranking in search engines:
  • As a start for the newbie, few studies 4-5 keywords or keyword phrases that have the best search volume or a Google search suggestions
  • Create a blog domain there is a keyword, for example: ** keyword **. Blog *. Com
  • Create a blog name contains keywords that are optimized for example:
  • Create a meta description tag with keywords that contain descriptions of interesting and enticing for people to click on the search results.
  • Create a script html "text" in the column on the right or left of the blog which contains the main keyword only.
  • Create an article title that contains keywords that are optimized for long-term or article title to something more current trends in the short term is usually up to 1 month
  • Blog article with a minimum of 300 words
  • Keyword density (keyword repetition) of about 3-6%
  • The quality of the article must be unique and not duplicate the quality of the articles of other sites to include an additional link when necessary with rel = nofollow, that link is not considered SPAM
  • CONTENT-based Google Panda now based backlink or not depends on the webmaster.
  • Make your blog sitemap to search engine bots to index your blog easily.
  • Create articles / new blog content on a regular basis, if the commercial sites is recommended to create a blog, new testominial, the other with something new.
  • Installing google plus one on the blog. Google backlink plus one supposing replace.
  • Panda Google ranking is based on how the activity of human authority in your blog, how long, how many clicks to another page (page view), how many bounces, how big your reputation as an author of the blog (created in
  • Track your site backlinks that do not fit with the theme and delete it.
  • Do not be too many ads on a blog that covers the main content.
  • When you distribute the article or placed on another site to increase traffic, create a brief description of the others seem to avoid duplicate content from Google's algorithm Panda.
  • Joined on social networks in Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter and forums to raise the reputation of your site links and additional traffic.
  • Place your site in DMOZ directory (although very difficult) try as close as possible to the category of your blog. Or also in other directories containing your keywords.
  1. Buatlah Isi blog anda dengan konten yang banyak - Jika Anda menginginkan Traffic Blog, Anda harus memiliki banyak konten. Anda tidak akan mendapatkan Pengunjung jika Anda tidak menulis konten yang baik, menarik dan berkualitas. Maka teruslah menulis tulisan yang menarik 
  2. Be Your Self - Internet atau dunia maya adalah tempat yang terbaik untuk tampil tanpa nama, tetapi jika itu Anda lakukan tidak akan ada orang yang mau menghubungi Anda atau tetap mengunjungi blog Anda. Jadilah diri Anda sendiri, jangan berpura-pura jadi seseorang yang lain, dan orang-orang akan menyukai Anda.
  3. Buatlah Perbedaan Lain dari yang lain - Bangunlah citra dan lakukan sesuatu yang berbeda, yang orang lain belum pernah melakukannya. Anda akan mendapatkan ucapan terima kasih karena pembaca Anda mendapatkan sesuatu yang baru. Muncullah dengan konsep baru yang orang lain belum pernah melakukannya.. 
  4. Berbagi Pengetahuan dengan Sesama Blogger - Baik itu rahasia sukses bisnis Anda, Rahasia Belajar Seo ataupun rahasia hidup Anda, orang pasti akan senang mengetahuinya dan tidak akan menjadi antipati terhadap anda. 
  5. Bentuklah sebuah Award - Buatlah Banner untuk sebuah award, pastikan award itu memiliki tema, misalnya, "Award Blogger Terbaik" atau "Top Komentar". Lalu linkkan award tersebut ke 5 atau bahkan lebih ke blogger lain yang menurut Anda terbaik. Dan buat peraturan bahwa ke5 blogger tersebut juga melakukan hal yang sama dengan award tersebut, link dengan 5 blogger lain yang menurut mereka terbaik. Ini terbukti akan mendapatkan banyak backlink ke blog Anda dan menerima banyak traffic. Contohnya adalah salah satu teman terbaik saya yang sudah melakukannya adalah Cek Info, yang sukses dengan Cek Info Top Commentator Award nya. 
  6. Selalu Menjawab Setiap Komentar dengan Ramah Tamah - Jika ada Blogger pemula yang bertanya dengan meninggalkan komentar, bantulah mereka. Siapa tau suatu saat mereka akan menjadi besar dan akan selalu mengingat kebaikan Anda. Yang intinya disini jangan menjadi blogger sombong. 
  7. Saling Bertukar Link - Tukar Link dengan orang lain yang berhubungan dengan blog Anda akan banyak membantu, apalagi dengan blog yang besar maka akan lebih banyak membantu. 
  8. Masukkan Link Blog anda ke Situs-situs Bookmark